One of the first things that shocked me when I started to work for the oil and gas (O&G) sector is that many acronyms and abbreviations are used. It gave me a hard work for a few weeks to get used to the language. Most of them are three letter acronyms (TLA). The list below is not anywhere near exhaustive or definitive and it is meant for indicative purposes only.
- AACQ = Actual Annual Contract Quantity
- AASHTO = American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
- AB = Anchor Bolt
- ABB = Activity Based Budgeting
- ABC = Activity Based Costs
- ABM = Activity Based Management
- ACHE = Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger
- ACI = American Concrete Institute
- AE = Architecture and Engineering
- AISC = American Institute of Steel Construction
- AP = Accounts Payable
- AR = Accounts Receivable
- ASCE = American Society of Civil Engineers
- ASCII = American Standards Code for Information Interchange
- ASME = American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials
- AVL = Approved Vendor List
- AWS = American Welding Society
- BH = Beam Height
- BIC = Best In Class
- BIM = Building Information System
- BOG = Boil-off Gas
- BOM = Bill Of Materials
- BOP = Bottom of Pipe
- BOQ = Bill Of Quantities
- BOS = Bottom of Steel (beam)
- BTU = British Thermal Unit
- CEN = Comité Européen de Normalisation
- CFD = Computational Fluid Dynamics
- CHF = Critical Heat Flux
- DIN = Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standards)
- EEMUA = Engineering Equipment & Materials Users’ Association
- EOR = Enhanced Oil Recovery
- EPC = Engineering Procurement and Construction
- ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning
- FEA = Finite Element Analysis
- FEED = Front End Engineering and Design
- FEM = Finite Element Method
- FHWA = Federal Highway Administration
- FOB = Free On Board
- FPSO = Floating Production Storage and Offloading
- FSRU = Floating Storage and Regasification Unit
- GAAP = Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
- GEP = Good Engineering Practice
- GL = Ground Level
- GMROI = Gross Margin Return on Investment
- GOSP = Gas Oil Separation Plant
- GTL = Gas-to-liquids conversion
- HAZID = Hazard Identification
- HAZOP = Hazardous Operations
- HE = Heat Exchanger
- HGO = Heavy Gas Oil
- HSE = Health Safety and Environment
- HSV = Hookup Support Vessel
- HVAC = Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
- I/O = Input Output
- IABSE = International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering
- IDC = Interdisciplinary Comment
- IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- IFA = Issued For Approval
- IFC = Issued For Construction
- IFD = Issued For Design
- IFR = Issued For Review
- IPD = Integrated Project Delivery
- ISO = International Standards Organization
- ITB = Instructions To Bidders
- JIT = Just In Time
- KPI = Key Performance Indicator
- LCC = Life-Cycle Cost
- LNG = Liquid Natural Gas
- LPG = Liquid Propane Gas / Liquified Petroleum Gas
- LPH = Littres per hour
- LPSV = Low Pressure Safety Valve
- LVPSV = Low and Vacuum Pressure Safety Valve
- MAWP = Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
- MBR - Minimum Bend Radius
- MOL = Maximum Operating Level
- MRO = Maintenance, Reparation and Overhaul (también como revamping)
- MSL = Mean Sea Level
- MTO = Made To Order
- MTO = Material Take-Off
- MTS = Make to Stock
- NB = "Nota Bene", Latin phrase for "Special Note"
- NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement
- NDE = Non Destructive Examination
- NFPA = National Fire Protection Association
- NIC = Not In Contract
- NPD = Nominal Pipe Diameter
- NPS = Nominal Pipe Size
- NPSH = Net Positive Suction Head
- NRI = Net Revenue Interest
- NRV = Non Return Valve
- NTS = Not To Scale
- OBE = Operating Basis Earthquake
- OD = Outside Diameter
- OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer
- P&ID = Process and Instruments Diagram (sometimes as PID)
- PLEM = Pipeline End Manifold
- PPA = Project Plan of Activities
- PSD = Process Shutdown
- PSS = Platform Safety System
- PSV =Pressure Safety Valve (Equivalent to PRV or automatic Pressure Relief Valve)
- PV = Pressure Vessel
- RFP = Request For Purchase
- RFQ = Request For Quotation
- RW = Rainwater
- SIL = Safety Integrity Level
- SQ = Site Query
- SSE = Safe Shutdown Earthquake
- SSL = Structural Slab Level
- STIG = Steam Injected Gas Turbine
- TCP = Top of Corner Protection
- TL = Tangent Line
- TOC = Top of Concrete
- TOC = Total Owning Cost
- TOS = Top of Steel
- TQ = Technical Query
- TSD = Technical Support Document
- UNO = Unless Noted Otherwise
- VPSV = Vacuum Pressure Safety Valve
- WP = Waterproof.
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