Lets consider a prismatic channel with the following data:
Length of the channel = 100 km
Width of the rectangular cross-section = 100 m
Bed slope = 1%
Manning’s roughness n = 0.035
The downstream boundary condition is a rating curve shown below:
Depth Discharge
(m) (m3/s)
0.0 0.0
0.5 142.8
1.0 450.5
1.5 900.0
2.0 1426.6
2.5 2100.0
>3.0 2797.0
The discharge hydrograph at the upstream boundary point is shown in the following figure

Friedrich-Levy (CFL) criterion. This criterion is usually applied to explicit numerical schemes but the CFL criterion may nevertheless serve as a guideline for implicit algorithms.
dt < (dx / v)
A realistic peak velocity could be guessed as twice or three times the steady velocity (v=4.64 m/s).
Chosen numerical parameters:
dx= 5 km
dt= 10 min
In HEC-RAS 4.0, an intermediate theta (a.k.a. numerical damping parameter) was chosen in order to ensure a compromise between accuracy and stability: theta=0.5 is the Crank-Nicholson method and theta=1.0 fully implicit scheme. Also, the model needs some warm-up time at the beginning of the simulation to adjust to initial and boundary conditions.
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